Curriculum & Instruction
Grade Kindergarten
In accordance with Student Assessment standard 2.20 under the Accountability column states, “All kindergarten students are automatically considered for gifted/talented and other advanced level services” (TEA, 2019, page 12). Meaning all students at the Kindergarten level will automatically receive G/T instruction through the following: Instruction at the Kindergarten level is achieved through a talent development option where all kindergarten teachers are G/T trained and are continually creating differentiated lessons with the assistance of the G/T Facilitator.
Student placement into the G/T program for the following academic year will go through the assessment process during the designated time and coded into PEIMS by March 1st.Grades 1st - 5th
1st-5th grades receive Tier 1 Gifted Instruction in their Clustered Classroom through the use of Depth and Complexity Framework. Students receive targeted curricular enrichment in all four core areas. Instruction and activities will align with district G/T standards that support critical content standards in Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science. Grades 6th - 8th
Students at the middle school level (grades 6-8) may be scheduled into Humanities, Pre Biology, and/or Honors Language Arts, Social Studies, and/or Science classes. All options follow grade-level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKs) but are academically advanced courses designed to challenge gifted and/or motivated students to understand the rigorous content.
- English- ELA Humanities, students participate in a humanities-based course to learn accelerated standards which prepares them to take AP English courses such as Colloquium (High School Humanities).
- Social studies- Social Studies Humanities prepares students for AP Social Sciences when they attend high school. In connection with ELA Humanities, this creates an interdisciplinary educational experience that challenges gifted and motivated students.
- Mathematics- All students are tracked to take Algebra in 8th grade.
- Science- Students learn 6th, 7th, and 8th grade standards in two years, which prepares them to take the Honors Biology high school credit course in the 8th grade.
Grades 9th - 12th G/T Services
In high school, students continue to take G/T courses in their areas of strength through Honors and other advanced courses. Students have several options for their G/T service: Colloquium, Honors, AP and Dual Credit college courses.
- Colloquium- Are Language Arts and Social Studies blended (Humanities) courses based on interdisciplinary studies of the two disciplines. Gifted students are also serviced through a variety of Honors, AP and Dual Credit options.
- Advanced Placement (AP)- Are collegiate-level courses taught in a high school setting possibly cumulating to the taking of an AP exam where a qualifying score of a 3 or higher may enable students to receive college credit and/or advanced standings at a university or college.
- Dual Credit and OnRamps- Are college-level courses taught in a high school setting, can be taken at the college/university, or via online while still in high school.
G/T Services At All Grade Levels
In accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Gifted and Talented, all students receiving G/T services and curriculum will complete an independent research project each year to engage in the following:
- Authentic research process - creating and answering questions using a variety of sources
- Professional Products - creating a product that culminates the research project
- Professional Communication - students must present to peers and educators about their research and conclusions.